Keyboard Sonata in G K.427

This performance score has score detail including dynamics, articulation markings and suggested right and left hand fingering. Appended to the performance score is a plain score which is in place for players to use once the movement has been learnt. Look at the piece as the musical equivalent of going to the gym and perhaps play it as the last part of a warm up. Whilst the sonata should be played as fast as possible don't try and play it quickly until you can play it slowly! An even tempo is required and is an essential test of any performance. Whilst this is an excellent piece to encourage fast playing secure right and left hand fingering will need to be in place and have to be perfect! The realisation is 120 quarter note beats to the minute and use of the sustaining pedal is recommended although it is not marked on the score. The music editor suggests that anyone who can the sonata accurately at a tempo of 132 has genuine potential as a performer. The musical material is in itself not difficult: the challenge is simply playing the piece at a tempo that allows the content to come alive. There are some excellent perfomances of this sonata to explore at different tempi. As far as the the music setting is concerned, there are some different options as far as grouping and beaming of the notes.

Added:   2017-07-27 11:31:42   | Views  : 2347    | Downloads  : 2    

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